Marketing challenges are an inevitable part of business, but how can you overcome them? We've compiled a list of the top 12 marketing challenges and the simple solutions that can help you eliminate them. Lead generation is always a challenge for marketers. Changes to Google's algorithm or updates to Facebook advertising are some of the online marketing challenges that can affect your lead generation efforts. Studies suggest that between 41 and 65 percent of all current online purchases involve multiple devices, yet sellers only identify 15 percent of purchases as multi-device, meaning they are likely to misidentify a large portion of sales. A Lotame customer used their data management platform and multi-device technology in a campaign targeting pet owners.
This identity resolution strategy allowed them to increase consumer participation by 250 percent. Customers appreciate when sellers communicate with them in a way that shows they understand them, leading to more enjoyable interactions. Marketers collect data from multiple sources, leaving different identifiers for a single person. Unfortunately, marketers may not always have the bandwidth or budget to keep up with all the trends. That's why it's important to pause and reflect on the biggest challenges marketers face this year. Lotame's Cartographer technology helps marketers address these challenges and improve the performance of their campaigns.
With an identity resolution solution, you can take data from different engagement methods used by consumers and sellers and combine them to create a coordinated omnichannel campaign. Once a marketing team has demonstrated that their activities generated a positive ROI, they are likely to get management support and an additional budget. It is essential to consider the challenges that arise year after year in the sector, regardless of whether they affect you or not. This tipping point is where marketing leaders need to take advantage of what may seem like organized chaos into an agile process and organization that allows a company to scale.17% of marketers say that changes in marketing strategy will be the biggest challenge they'll face in the new year. This challenge was followed by 21%, who said that providing an ROI for their marketing activities was their biggest challenge.
Marketers need to know how effective their campaigns are and if they translate into profits. Getting the right content and promoting it to the right audience is absolutely necessary for the growth of your company. With this in mind, we've put together a list of the top 12 marketing challenges you're likely to encounter and the solutions that can help you overcome them.
The Top 12 Marketing Challenges
- Lead Generation
- Multi-Device Purchases
- Data Management
- Identity Resolution
- Omnichannel Campaigns
- ROI Demonstration
- Changes in Marketing Strategy
- Providing an ROI
- Content Promotion